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How to Use Your Smart Speaker to Control Your Smart Home Devices

By Just Smart Speakers

3rd April 2023

Smart home devices have revolutionized the way we live. With the advent of smart speakers like Amazon Echo and Google Home, controlling smart devices has become much easier. These smart speakers can act as a hub for your smart home, allowing you to control your devices using just your voice. In this article, we will explain how to use your smart speaker to control your smart home devices.

Set up your smart speaker

Before you can control your smart home devices with your smart speaker, you need to set it up. The setup process may vary depending on the brand of your smart speaker, but it generally involves connecting the device to your Wi-Fi network and linking it to your account. You may also need to download the app that corresponds to your smart speaker.

Once your smart speaker is set up, you can start connecting your smart home devices to it.

Connect your smart home devices

Most smart home devices can be connected to your smart speaker via Wi-Fi. You will need to check the instructions for your specific device to see how to connect it. Once your device is connected, you should be able to control it using your smart speaker.

To connect your device, you will need to open the app that corresponds to your smart speaker. From there, you can usually add devices by selecting “Add Device” or “Discover Devices”. The app should then guide you through the process of connecting your device.

Use your smart speaker to control your smart home devices

Once your smart home devices are connected to your smart speaker, you can use your voice to control them. To do this, you simply need to say the wake word for your smart speaker, followed by a command. For example, if you have a smart thermostat connected to your smart speaker, you could say “Hey Google, set the thermostat to 70 degrees”.

Your smart speaker will then communicate with the device and adjust the temperature accordingly. You can also use your smart speaker to turn lights on and off, lock doors, and perform other functions with your smart home devices.


Controlling your smart home devices with your smart speaker can make your life much easier. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can set up your smart speaker and connect it to your smart home devices. You can then use your voice to control your devices, making your home smarter and more convenient.

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