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The History of Smart Speakers

By Just Smart Speakers

11th January 2023

Smart speakers are devices that are equipped with virtual assistants and can perform a wide range of tasks, such as playing music, setting reminders, and controlling other smart devices in the home. These devices have become increasingly popular in recent years, but their history goes back further than many people realize.

Origins of the Smart Speaker

The concept of a virtual assistant that can understand natural language voice commands dates back to the 1950s and 1960s, with early examples including IBM’s Shoebox and the Bell Labs’ Audrey. However, these early systems were limited in their capabilities and were not widely adopted.

Rise of Voice Recognition

In the 1990s and early 2000s, advances in computer science and machine learning led to significant improvements in speech recognition. This allowed for the development of virtual assistants that could understand and respond to voice commands with greater accuracy. One of the early examples of this technology was Apple’s Siri, which was first introduced as a feature on the iPhone in 2011.

Arrival of Smart Speakers

The first commercially available smart speaker was the Amazon Echo, which was released in 2014. The Echo was equipped with a virtual assistant named Alexa, and it quickly gained popularity due to its ability to perform a wide range of tasks, including playing music, controlling smart home devices, and answering questions.

Competition in the Market

As the market for smart speakers grew, other technology companies began to release their own products. In 2016, Google released the Google Home, which featured the Google Assistant, while Apple released the HomePod, which featured the Siri. More recently, different brand have been jump in the smart speaker market, like Samsung, Sony, Harman Kardon.

Future of Smart Speakers

As technology continues to improve, it is likely that smart speakers will become even more advanced, with more capabilities and greater integration with other devices and services. Some experts predict that smart speakers will eventually become the primary interface for interacting with technology in the home, allowing users to control everything from lighting to appliances with their voice. Additionally, the development of 5G technology will improve the internet connection and give more ability to smart speakers.

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